John Kaweske
MeditationAbout John Kaweske
People find peace of mind in many different ways. For some, exercising is way to reach their inner zen, for others it could be peace and quiet for an hour a day with their favorite novel. For John Kaweske, it’s all about meditation and getting in touch with his spiritual side.
When John Kaweske moved to Brazil in 2004 to start Bio Clean Energy S.A.—a biodiesel energy business that produces diesel equivalent resources using natural extracts such as soy, cotton oils, and used cooking oil—he found himself with a great deal of alone time. Even though He had been recently married, being away and working in a foreign country left John Kaweske with time he otherwise wouldn’t have had. This created an opportunity for inner reflection, and John wanted to fill that time with self-improvement.

Today, John Kaweske takes about an hour each morning to meditate and prepare for the day ahead. Throughout his time in Brazil, John found that meditation was a way to be free of the pressures of starting and running a successful business, while also allowing him a fresh perspective after a tiresome day working at the site. After talking with friends and family and doing diligent research, he decided to give meditation a try. Not only did John Kaweske immediately feel more relaxed and at ease with where he was in his life, but found meditation to be so beneficial that he continued to learn about the practice, before it eventually became a part of his daily life.
“While I was creating my company, meditation is what helped Bio Clean Energy come to fruition. Being able to clear my mind daily and look at everything going on with a clear head helped me see what was best for my personal life, but also for Bio Clean Energy. I still meditate for an hour each day because it is something that is a part of me. It keeps my mind and body balanced. Without meditation, my mind would not be clear nor my plans for the future.”
John Kaweske credits his success with Bio Clean Energy, S.A. largely on meditation, and the positive energy he put forth towards the entire process. According to Headspace, which provides information and resources for those interested in the practice, meditation is not about changing oneself, but training oneself to become more aware of the world around us, while also helping to establish a healthy sense of perspective.
Even though John Kaweske is spiritually devoted, he does not believe in any singular organized religion as the sole answer. Rather, he believes in spiritual truth as a universal principle. Through his meditation and spiritual experiences, John realized that the best way to live is judgment-free and not label and categorize people. He believes that labeling and judging people does not let you appreciate individuals fully and skews perceptions. By living a judgment-free life as well, John Kaweske is able to keep his mind clear and towards higher concerns.

Outside of his passion for meditation, John Kaweske is also a successful entrepreneur and has spearheaded numerous successful projects throughout the years. While living in Denver, Colorado, John decided to begin driving part-time as a Uber Driver, where he quickly learned how much influence ride apps were having on the nation’s economy. From traveling professionals to professional athletes from Denver sports teams, John had the opportunity to learn about a range of industries through his conversations with Uber customers.
In the first year alone, John Kaweske experienced significant success while driving with Uber, achieving an impressive 96% approval rating from nearly 2,000 customers. Based on his experience, John decided to create his own driving service in Colorado, which is how he ended up creating his company, Silverleaf Enterprise, LLC. Silverleaf Enterprise is a high-end luxury car service that is offered in Denver, Colorado, and focuses on providing customers with a high-end, friendly car service.
John Kaweske’s entrepreneurial ventures have only grown. He is the proud founder of North Star Holdings and TweedLeaf, companies focused on providing locally-sourced medical cannabis to patients in need. Additionally, as the leader of Bio Clean Energy, S.A., John Kaweske has become a renowned leader in the biodiesel and sustainable/renewable energy spheres. John Kaweske’s work for Bio Clean Energy cannot be ignored, as he has made impressive progress within the industry. He has been instrumental in expanding the company’s tech and has even earned the company a $36 million biodiesel supply contract for Bolivia Government Oil Companies.
In addition to all of John Kaweske’s, he is an independent consultant. This means it is available to coach biodiesel companies and facilities, helping them gain powerful insight and success. John is proud of how much he can help these companies on their path to greener power.