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The Best Meditation Accessories to Buy this Holiday Season

The Best Meditation Accessories to Buy this Holiday Season

Meditation is a great way to relax before or after a stressful day. Meditation improves mindfulness, and mindfulness offers its own set of great benefits. Meditation involves a person submerging themselves within a quiet, peaceful, and relaxing environment. There are...
5 Successful Business Leaders Who Practice Meditation

5 Successful Business Leaders Who Practice Meditation

Meditation is a practice where a person uses a specific technique to train their attention and awareness and achieve mental clarity, which can lead to an emotionally calm and stable state of mind.  The Benefits: There are numerous studies that have shown that mindful...
The Best Resources to Try When First Beginning Meditation

The Best Resources to Try When First Beginning Meditation

Mindfulness is gaining more attention than ever, but this ancient practice can be challenging to master. Even the experts still struggle with wandering thoughts and an unfocused mind during their meditation, but there are some valuable resources available that can...
The Conundrum of Work and Mindfulness

The Conundrum of Work and Mindfulness

Mindfulness benefits both the physical and spiritual bodies, but it’s usually associated with meditation and quiet rather than the workplace. Mindfulness can: Reduce your stress level and restore balance Slow the aging process and age-related cognitive decline Reduce...
Meditation Accessories for Comfort and Inspiration

Meditation Accessories for Comfort and Inspiration

Many people turn to meditation, yoga, and other forms of relaxing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety. Having the right kinds of accessories can have very noticeable impacts on these efforts. This is especially true if the form of meditation is yoga and other...
Great Spiritual And Meditation Retreats

Great Spiritual And Meditation Retreats

Meditation has the power to change lives. There are several types of meditation. Some involve prayer beads. Others rely heavily on a mind-body connection, tracking breaths and other body cues. Still, others are physically intensive, like walking meditation or hatha...