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New Study Finds Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce Chronic Pain

New Study Finds Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce Chronic Pain

If you’re someone that suffers from chronic pain, there may be a highly effective, medication-free option you haven’t explored yet: mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) was founded back in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and recent studies...
5 Meditation Methods for People Who Hate Sitting Still

5 Meditation Methods for People Who Hate Sitting Still

When most people think of meditation, they conjure up an image of a serene looking person sitting cross legged with their eyes closed in some kind of beautiful beachfront scenery. While this kind of meditation is great, it’s not the only way to meditate. In...
How to Incorporate More Mindfulness Into Your Work Day

How to Incorporate More Mindfulness Into Your Work Day

We know that mindfulness helps decrease stress, increase focus, and fuel productivity, so what better place to utilize such a helpful tool than in the work place? While you may not want to sit cross-legged in the middle of your cubicle letting out long...
Meditation Tips For Beginners

Meditation Tips For Beginners

Starting anything new can always be tough and intimidating. Remember your first day of high school? How scary that probably was, but eventually you learned some tricks of the trade to get you by day to day. Getting use to little things like working out and even...
Steps To Know Before Meditating

Steps To Know Before Meditating

For many meditation is a form of relaxation and a great way to unwind. Unfortunately many feel the pressure that they are not meditating correctly. Meditation is something that calms your body and is supposed to be simple. People are straying away from this idea and...